TREATING ONE’S NEIGHBOURS WELL Through this Hadith, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) has taught us that the teaching of treating one’s neighbours well that the Holy Prophet ﷺ has given us is irrespective of their religion. Even if the neighbour is a non-Muslim, even then we have to treat them well in their capacity as our neighbour. We may not agree with their disbelief, but we must treat them well. This behaviour on our part may eventually become a source of Dawah (preaching) for them. When you treat them well, and are polite with them, then Allah Ta’ala may grant them with Iman (faith) as a Barakah (blessing) of your good behaviour. If someone is a non-believer we have to stay away from their Kufr , but we still have to fulfil all their rights which are due towards us as a result of them being our neighbours. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Taufeeq (motivation) to put these teachings of the Holy P...