MUJAHIDAH AND RIYAZAT: 14 (abstracts from a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
معصوم تھا نہ وقفِ سجود و دعا تھا میں
خوبی میری یہی تھی کہ اہلِ خطا تھا میں
The angels are Masoom (معصوم) (incapable of committing any sins). They are also dedicated to keep praying to Allah Ta’ala. But this is a human being’s virtue that he has the capacity to make mistakes, has the impulses and desires to commit sins, and then he resists these desires to abstain from sins. This virtue requires that these desires to commit sins are present in the first place. As long as these desires remain, this struggle will remain. However, the difference is that when a person initially embarks on the path of Tazkiyah (purification of his inner-self), this struggle requires an enormous amount of effort. But after sustained Mujahidah this struggle becomes relatively easier. However, no matter how much Mujahidah a person has performed, a person will still keep having a little bit of struggle till the very end. So, do not be afraid of this struggle, do not feel hopeless that even after Mujahidah you still get desires to commit sins, and never feel lax that now you have done so much Mujahidah you will not get impulses to commit sins anymore.
In summary, it will be a lifelong effort to control one’s internal desires and impulses and bring them within the bounds of Shariah through Mujahidah so that these desires become moderated and do not lead a person to commit sins. The only difference will be that initially it will take a mammoth effort to combat these desires, but with sustained Mujahidah it will become a bit easier.
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