MUJAHIDAH AND RIYAZAT: 16 (abstracts from a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
“Allah does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity…” (2:286)
It is not the purpose of this talk to make you feel that this path is too difficult, because Allah Ta’ala has not made us accountable for any actions that are beyond our capabilities and powers. Therefore, start trying to give up sins, and start observing Sabr (patience) if you encounter any difficulties and hardships while doing so. When you start doing this, there will be times when you will slip and make a mistake. There will be an ongoing battle between you and your Nafs (inner-self), and you and Satan. Sometimes you will defeat your Nafs and Satan, and sometimes they will defeat you. When you defeat them, say الحمدالّٰلہ (All praise be to Allah), and when they defeat you, say استغفرالّٰلہ (Allah Ta’ala please forgive me). If you keep making this effort, after a period of time you will defeat them more than they will defeat you, and you will start dominating them. This is what Allah Ta’ala has promised in the Noble Qur’an;
“As for those who strive in Our way, We will certainly take them onto Our paths… (29:69)
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