THE WAY OF PURIFYING ONE’S INNER-SELF: 1 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
Hazrat Thanvi (may Allah Ta’ala bless him) said;
“The way of improving one’s actions and one’s inner-self is to resist the desires of one’s Nafs and to make it get used to hardships.”
Improving one’s actions in this context means improving those acts of worship which are carried out physically, for example, praying Salah, fasting, giving Zakat and performing Hajj. Improvement of one’s inner-self in this context refers to those acts of worship which are carried out mentally or internally, for example, Sabr (patience), Shukr (gratefulness to Allah Ta’ala), Tawakkul (placing one’s trust in Allah Ta’ala), Tawazu (humility, modesty), etc. Hazrat says that the way of improving both external and internal acts of worship is to oppose one’s innate drives, resisting the innate urge to perform sins, and to make one’s inner-self used to experiencing hardships.
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