THE WAY OF PURIFYING ONE’S INNER-SELF: 2 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
Some people believe that when someone goes to a Waliullah (people of Allah), establishes an Islahi Ta’alluq (a mentoring relationship to purify one’s inner-self) with a Shaykh, or does Bayt, then that Shaykh will just cast an eye on him and his inner-self will get purified instantly. Please understand carefully that it usually doesn’t work that way. A person has to make the effort himself, he has to work hard, and has to oppose his inner wishes and desires no matter how much distress that causes him. The role of the Shaykh is to guide him, to show him the way, and to tell him ways that make treading on this path a bit easier. But the person has to make the effort himself. No one can else can make the effort on his behalf. Otherwise, the Prophets of Allah Ta’ala wouldn’t have had to go through such hardships to convey the message of Allah. They could have just cast an eye on everyone and everyone would have become a Muslim.
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