THE WAY OF PURIFYING ONE’S INNER-SELF: 5 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
This is the person who spent all his life learning about and then teaching Tasawwuf, and he is saying that the primary lesson of Tasawwuf is to battle your procrastination and lack of motivation. For example, you are feeling lazy in going to the Masjid for Jama’at, and your heart is telling you to just pray at home, or not pray at all. At that time, there is no treatment for that procrastination and lack of motivation besides forcing yourself to do it. To combat this procrastination, use the fortitude, the determination, that Allah Ta’ala has granted you. If you keep using your determination, your procrastination will gradually get weaker. If you do not use your determination, your resolve, then this procrastination will get stronger and stronger. Today it will make you miss one Fard (compulsory act of worship), tomorrow it will make you miss another. Today it will make you commit one sin, tomorrow it will make you commit another sin. But you if decide within your mind that you will not bow to this procrastination, this lack of motivation, then it will get weaker and weaker.
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