THE WAY OF PURIFYING ONE’S INNER-SELF: 6 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
Allama Buseri has said in Qaseeda Burda that a person’s Nafs is like an infant. If you keep feeding milk to an infant and never wean him off it, then he will become an adult but would still be drinking only milk. However, if you realize that a child should not be drinking milk alone, he should be eating other things too, so he should be weaned off milk, then whenever you start doing it, there will be an initial difficult period. He will cry, he will scream, there will be some sleepless nights, but eventually he will be weaned off milk. However, if you get scared of this whole process and think that this is too difficult, he will never sleep at night himself and nor will he let me sleep, lets just keep feeding him milk, then that child will grow up but will still be drinking milk alone.
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