There are several reasons why it is extremely important to highlight rights of people.
The first and foremost is the general negligent attitude Muslims today have towards rights of other people. A number of you may have observed this that as soon as a Muslim turns towards religion, they start praying Salah regularly, fasting regularly, and change their appearance in accordance with Sunnah. These are all very admirable changes and need to be encouraged. However, how many times do we hear the same person say that they have become more conscientious about their job, have stopped lying to and deceiving others in their business, have stopped backbiting about people, and have become more mindful of the rights and welfare of their employees, because they want to become better Muslims? It is almost as if we believe at a practical level that Islam is only limited to Ibadah (acts of worship), and has nothing to do with how we deal with and treat human beings (Ma'az Allah).
Allah Ta'la, on the other hand, has placed such great emphasis on rights of people that He has declared that if someone does Taubah (repentance) He will forgive all our sins related to rights of Allah, but He will not
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