The reason these wise elders legally transferred the ownership of their property to their wives in their life was that, as mentioned previously, according to Islamic Inheritance laws a person loses their full control over their property when they become terminally ill or die. Even if they have made a will that their house should go to their spouse after their death, if that house is worth more than one third of their total estate, such a will would not be legally valid under Shariah.
The risk of doing the above will always be that if the wife dies before the husband, then the property will become part of her inheritance and will need to be distributed among all her inheritors as per shares pre-determined by Shariah. But as I mentioned in the previous post, these people lived their lives to the standard of Taqwa so they went well beyond what was strictly legally required of them to ensure that their wives would not come to any undue hardships if they passed away before their wives.
May Allah Ta'ala give us the motivation to follow in the foot steps of these wise elders, and to look after and treat our families even better than we are now. Aameen.
The End
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