Before we go on to step 1, it is important to remember that not all commandments of Deen are equally obligatory. In the descending order of their importance and compulsoriness permissible acts are divided into the following categories;
1. Fard (فرض) (made obligatory by direct commands of Qur'an and Sunnah), for example, the commandments to pray Salah, fast and perform Hajj have been directly revealed in the Holy Quran,
2. Wajib (واجب) (made obligatory by indirect commands or derivations from Qur'an and Sunnah),
3. Sunnat Muakkadah (سنّت موٴکدہ) (practices of the Holy Prophet [peace be upon him] which he always carried out), for example, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed the two Raka'at before Fajr Fard throughout his life,
4. Sunnat Ghair Muakkadah (سنّت غیر موٴکدہ) (practices of the Holy Prophet [peace be upon him] which he sometimes carried out and sometimes didn't),
5. Mustahabb (مستحب) (acts which earn great reward but are not obligatory), for example reciting Tasbeeh after Salah, and
6. Mubaah (مباح) (permissible but carry neither punishment nor reward). I will just the example of Salah (Namaz) to illustrate these differences.
to be continued...
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