When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sending Hazrat Ma’az bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) as the governor of Yemen, he asked him, “how will you settle disputes between people?” He replied, “through the guidance in the Noble Qur’an”. The Holy Prophet ﷺ asked, “What if you don’t find the guidance in Qur’an?” He replied, “then I will try to find the answer in your Sunnah.” The Holy Prophet ﷺ asked, “and if you don’t find the answer in both?” He replied, “then I will try to find the answer through Ijtihad (reasoning) without any carelessness.” Upon hearing this answer the Holy Prophet ﷺ expressed his approval.
What needs to be remembered though is that this Qiyas or Ijtihad will only be valid if performed by a person who is properly trained and suitably qualified in the knowledge and practice of Islamic Jurisprudence. Otherwise, it will be akin to the situation when a politician recently suggested injecting a disinfectant into one’s body to treat a viral infection.
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