The quote below is attributed to George Bernard Shaw though it is not certain whether Shaw actually said it or not. Some friends may find it offensive but I use it for a specific reason.
When I first made a presentation about Islam somewhere, a number if people, many of them Muslims, asked me that you have talked about Islam teaching its followers honesty, integrity, truthfulness, being just to everyone, never earning Haraam income, and yet we see many Muslims doing all of those things. How do you explain that?
I replied that what Islam teaches, and what Muslims do, can unfortunately sometimes be two different things. This presentation is focused on what Islam teaches. There is a continuum of how completely individual Muslims follow these teachings, some observing them more closely than others.
Similarly, I make a distinction between "Muslim-majority countries" and "Islamic countries". These days, in my flawed opinion at least, I am not sure which Muslim-majority country can be called a truly Islamic country.
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