“0 Shuaib (peace be upon him), does your Salah (prayer) command you that we should give up what our fathers used to worship or that we give up doing with our wealth whatever we wish?” (11:87)
This is a question that the people of Hazrat Shuaib (peace be upon him) asked him, as narrated by the Noble Qur’an. Unfortunately, this is one of the questions which are asked by many Muslims even today. Why can’t I earn my money whichever way I want to earn it? Why can’t I spend my money whichever way I want to spend it? This is the way Islamic commerce is different from both Capitalism and Communism. In Communism, the ‘State’ controls everything, including how and how much one earns, and how one can spend one’s income. In Capitalism, there is almost no restriction on how one can earn one’s income, even if it means a few people become billionaires, and millions become destitute. Similarly, there is almost no restriction on how one spends one’s wealth, for example, leaving all of one’s wealth to one’s dog, while fully depriving one’s own children of their rightful inheritance.
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