I had quoted the verse “Allah does not obligate any beyond his capacity…” for a specific reason in the background of Riba (interest). These days many Muslims believe and say that it is not possible to live without engaging in interest-based financial transactions. However, if we read the verse above again with this context in mind, it raises a few questions.
The first point is that, as the previously quoted verses from the Noble Qur’an show, Allah Ta’ala has clearly declared Riba (interest) Haraam (unlawful). These verses do not say that it was declared Haraam for the Muslims of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) time only, but that it has been declared Haraam for all times to come. When we say today that we cannot live without interest, are we saying that when Allah Ta’ala revealed those verses He did not know Ma’az Allah (may Allah forgive me) that a time is going to come when people won’t be able to live without interest?
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