Tazkiyah literally means purifying something. There are many commandments of Shariah which pertain to a person’s body, as in they are carried out physically. Some of them are DOs (اوامر) for example, pray Salah, observe fasting, give Zakat, perform Hajj, and some of them are DON’T’s (نواہی), for example, do not tell a lie, do not do Gheebat (backbiting), do not drink alcohol, do not steal, do not commit robbery, etc.
Similarly, there are many commandments of Shariah which pertain to a person’s mind, or inner self. Some of these are DOs called Awamir (اوامر). Developing these attributes of mind is Wajib (necessary) and a person’s Deen doesn’t become complete unless he develops these attributes. For example, it is Wajib (necessary) to perform Shukr (being thankful to Allah Ta’ala for His blessings upon us), observing Sabr (patience, steadfastness) if something undesirable happens, observing Tawakkul (placing one’s complete faith and trust in Allah Ta’ala), developing Tawazu (humility, believing others to be better than oneself), and developing Ikhlas (purity of intention) meaning whatever a person does, he does it solely with the intention of seeking Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure and approval. Developing Ikhlas is Wajib as no act of worship is acceptable without Ikhlas. All these mental attributes such as Shukr, Sabr, Tawazu and Ikhlas are called Akhlaq-e-Fazilah (اخلاقِ فاضلہ) and trying to develop them is Wajib (necessary).
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