The second restriction is that even amongst these animal categories which are Halal, Muslims are allowed to eat meat of only those animals which have been slaughtered in a certain way called Zabihah (ذبیحہ), which includes, amongst other things, reciting Allah Ta’ala’s name at the time of slaughtering the animal. This is such a firm condition that if somewhere Muslims cannot obtain Halal meat at all after making every effort, they are allowed to eat Kosher meat (animals slaughtered by Jews following their religious practices), but they are not allowed to eat meat from an animal slaughtered even by a Muslim if he deliberately and knowingly chooses not to recite Allah Ta’ala’s name while slaughtering it. In actual fact, eating non-Zabihah meat is as Haraam (unlawful) as eating meat from an animal which Muslims have been prohibited from eating under Shariah.
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