GHEEBAT (BACKBITING) AND ITS TREATMENT: 16 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
Thus, Hazrat Thanvi (may Allah bless him) has outlined a principle that one should not contravene the laws of Shariah, as in continuing to participate in Gheebat, just so he does not hurt anyone’s feelings by asking them not to do it. We are people of extremes. On the one hand, we have become so neglectful of rights of people that we freely engage in abusing people’s rights whether they be financial rights, physical rights, or right to honour, without thinking twice about it. On the other hand, we are so mindful of other people’s rights that we are prepared to engage in a major sin like Gheebat so that we do not hurt the feelings of the person who is committing it. It does not even occur to us that at that very moment we are engaged in violating the rights of the person whose Gheebat is being performed.
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