GHEEBAT (BACKBITING) AND ITS TREATMENT: 9 (a talk by Mufti Taqi Usmani DB)
Therefore, before starting to do someone’s Gheebat just think for a moment, if I was in this person’s place, if same things were being said about me in a gathering, or if someone was saying the same things about me that I intend to say about this person, how would have I felt? Would I have liked it, or not? If I would not have liked the same things being said about me, then this is Gheebat and we must refrain from it.
People say that we can’t stop ourselves from committing Gheebat. I reply that Gheebat is an intentional act, a person chooses to say such things, it is not involuntary. And when committing Gheebat is under our control, then refraining from it is also under our control, therefore, we must stay away from it.
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