THE WAY OF PURIFYING ONE’S INNER-SELF: 16 (a talk by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB)
What it means is that in the Hadith it has been negated that if you hear that a person’s anger has subsided completely, do not accept it, because a person’s internal attributes do not change completely. However, through Riyazat (sustained effort) and Suhbat (companionship) this anger can be brought under control. Then a person doesn’t get angry all the time. He may get angry but only in situations where Shariah permits him to get angry, and even in that anger he does not cross limits set by Shariah.
The purpose of quoting this Hadith here is to contradict those people who claim on the basis of this Hadith that a person’s inherent internal attributes cannot change. Some people feel hopeless upon hearing this that if my internal attribute can’t change, then what is the point of going through Tazkiyah (purification of inner-self). Hazrat Thanvi (may Allah Ta’ala bless him) has clarified that this Hadith means that a person’s inherent attributes do not subside completely, but they can be attenuated with effort, and as a result of that attenuation they are less likely to influence a person’s behaviour to the extent of committing sins.
و آخر دعوانا ان الحمد الّٰلہ رب العٰلمین
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